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Loup – En couple et heureux
Expert en Séduction depuis 12 ans
Plus de 150 conquêtes !
Diplômé HEC
Certifié Coach à l’ICF
Certifié Hypno-thérapeute à l’IFHE

Ils sont en couple ou enchainent les conquêtes :

Nicolas In Fire
Nicolas In Fire
18:48 02 Aug 24
19:01 27 Jun 23
Super support for 4 months with personalized follow-up. Very suitable for atypical profiles and fits well with my objectives
Arthur Schepens
Arthur Schepens
09:59 25 Jun 23
Excellent experience with Raphaël Loup, especially during practical coaching.The theory is great, but the practice is even better, especially when the training is put into action.His presence has allowed me to surpass myself enormously.I intend to continue in this line.
15:12 28 May 23
Loup is very attentive and offered me personalized support and relevant exercises to progress. The individual accompaniment helped me a lot and allowed me to overcome blockages to begin to have success. Thank you Raphael and see you soon!
Alexis L
Alexis L
07:36 29 Mar 23
Very good teacher, uses extraordinary methods that can even make an extremely shy person progress by unlocking them from the inside, without having to play a role. I highly recommend.
Guillaume Amant
Guillaume Amant
14:08 06 Mar 23
After 3 months of coaching with Loup Raphaël, I have incredibly increased my level of self-confidence, overcome my fears by approaching and meeting, on top of that, women I like.I clearly exploded a barrier, a glass ceiling that I had imposed on myself and which limited my potential.Seduction is a fundamental skill to develop in order to be truly a man and it is for me one of the best personal development tools there is to gain self-confidence, to increase one's charisma and above all to finally be comfortable with people. prettiest women.Loup's coaching program is just perfect and truly effective. Coaching in one to one, collective, face-to-face with simulations of weekly Live meetings, but also he accompanies us in real life to approach women in the evening, during the day...Loup is an excellent professional coach, he works on the substance, on our fears, our conditioning. I used effective coaching tools.I strongly recommend that all men invest in this coaching with Loup if you have problems meeting women and also gaining self-confidence, for sure this coaching will transform you and improve you!Thank you 🙏
18:11 04 Dec 22
I discovered Approaching and Seducing Wolf while surfing on YouTube and then I discovered the site, I read several articles on cruising in public places and I found them to be of very good quality, the best that I I was able to read on the subject frankly. Then I saw that Wolf was offering coaching on the site, so I decided to make a free phone appointment to explain my situation with girls to him (I managed to get dates with girls but I didn't I couldn't get things done with the girls on date). Loup offered me a coaching formula in the form of a follow-up over several months including:- face-to-face coaching sessions;- video coaching to regularly review my situation and my progress;- access to a training site with texts, videos and PDFs;- access to a collaborative communication platform reserved for coachees and Approach and Seduce coaches to share their experiences with girls, ask for opinions and reciprocally give their opinion;- access to a weekly visio (webinar) with a coach and coachees on a theme of seduction to be deepened.Thanks to the face-to-face coaching sessions, I was able to improve my way of approaching girls and having interactions with them, improve my way of speaking by messages with girls thanks to the Wolf training, learn to concretize in appointments thanks to Wolf's training and advice, among other things.I was able to develop social skills necessary to have an ease in meeting and concretizing with girls, so that meeting and having a relationship with a girl is no longer the "holy grail", something that seems to me very difficult and out of my field of expertise, but something normal and which is perfectly within my limits.Today, in addition to having evolved a lot and having acquired social skills that serve me with girls and in my life in general (therefore transversal skills), I have materialized with a lot of girls that I liked (which has improved my self-esteem and my self-confidence considerably) and I am today with a girl who I really like and with whom I am very happy.I therefore recommend Loup's coaching, on the other hand if you want to achieve your goals, as was my case, you must:- Agree to admit that you may make mistakes in your interactions with girls, in real life or by messages;- Agree to make efforts and improve yourself;- Understand who if you are starting from low (you have very little experience with girls, as I was at the start) progressing to reach your goals and develop real skills will not happen overnight week but may take several months, so effects and perseverance.
Clément Anonyme
Clément Anonyme
22:23 15 Nov 22
I came to see Loup in a difficult period when I was not very well in my life.I discovered someone who has great emotional intelligence, really trying to understand each person he accompanies.He followed me for several months and helped me a lot to regain control, improve myself socially (with girls but not only)Thanks to him, I worked a lot on self-esteem and self-image, which is a hell of a job for a lot of people x)In short I recommend it
Olivier de la Barrière
Olivier de la Barrière
08:20 03 Oct 22
Raphaël is an excellent coach, passionate about his profession, and who has an original vision to which we can only adhere: seduction is as much a matter of technique as of mindset. To this end, Raphaël will offer you, in addition to in-situ coaching and very complete training platforms, a weekly follow-up over several months of high personalized quality, allowing you to understand, in order to overcome, the blockages that prevent you from succeeding. in seduction. A group spirit is also formed with all the coachees, on the exchange platforms. In conclusion, Raphaël's coaching is to be recommended without reservation: he will provide complete toolboxes (both on technical points and mindset) allowing motivated coachees to become good at seduction.
12:28 31 Jan 22
Thank you for this truly tailor-made coaching, which was able to adapt to my personality, my character, my time and geographical constraints.It allowed me to understand in depth the subtleties in the male/female relationship and therefore to better live my interactions with the other.This allows me to find my place more easily and to embody a fairer posture in my relationships with women in general and with the woman with whom I share my life today in particular.In the end, I better assume who I am and what I can feel (my discomfort and/or my desire) and this allows for more authentic and richer exchanges.I feel more comfortable approaching strangers if I feel the urge to do so, and I have tools to turn this delicate interaction at the beginning into a pleasant moment for me and for the other, without to be heavy ".I highly recommend the professionalism of Loup and his team.
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